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Different types of research

Different types of research

Researchers used different types of research to analyse collected data according to objective of research. Research work is a systematic analysis of collected data by buisness, individual and researchers.
Every day world population increases accordingly consumer behaviour also changed day to day. Competition between companies increased to neck to neck level. To defeat rival companies working in similar market field every smart company doing different types of research every day.
Field of research work very huge size and full of different types of research data. To perform particular objectives of research work researchers have to selected among different types of research according to suitable objective.
Researchers used 4 different types of research used for doing research work. 4 different types of research methods work namely qualitative research, quantitative research, descriptive research and exploratory research.
Modern world consumer behaviour very dynamic and keep changing at very faster rate. To full fill needs and demand of consumer marketing companies have keep doing different types of research.
Marketing companies have to set objective of research work accordingly applied 4 different types of research like qualitative research, quantitative research, descriptive research and exploratory research.

What are 4 different types of research on basis of scope

Different types of research classified according to basis of scope into 4 types of research. According to basis of scope research divided into descriptive research, exploratory research, explanatory research and correlation research.
Descriptive research main focused on characteristics of particular phenomenon. Descriptive research donot explain cause of produce phenomenon.
For example of descriptive type of research, suppose researchers try to do research work with fixed objective to found out how population census influenced government officials differ between urban and rural areas.
Explanatory research used by researchers to make relationship between cause and effect of produced phenomenon.
Explanatory research used to make relationship between cause and effect which helped to generalization to similar relatives.
Explanatory research one of the different types of research in which researchers find out extra information about observed object.
Explanatory research considered very close to descriptive research type.
Explanatory research understood with example suppose researchers investigating brittle behavior of especific material.
Exploratory research used for to understood subject material which is still not investigated. Priliminary investigation performed in different types of exploratory research.
Exploratory research understood with example suppose researchers want to do research on topic social media role in perception of self image.
Correlation research considered as different types of research used by researchers for the purpose of scientific research.
Correlation research identify relationship between two or more variable. Correlation research evaluate scientifically how much variable changes, how much variable changes and how much other elements changes of observed data.

Different types of research on basis of purpose

Different types of research classified on basis of data collections into two types of research namely qualitative research and quantitative research.
Qualitative research different types of research methods used to make qualitative results discussion of research work.
Qualitative research methods used to collect, compare and evaluate data collected to get qualitative results.
Qualitative research used in social science to collect data, interpret data and compare data. Qualitative research used in research methodology like interview, observations surveys and records.
Qualitative research mainly focused making evaluation on basis of quality characteristics of data collected from different sources.
Qualitative data meaning in research methodology describe us as those sets of data which consists qualitative characteristics and are collected by researchers through applied research methodology techniques like interview, observations questionnaire.
In research methodology qualitative data meaning that those sets of useful information samples collected from larger population for research work consists of qualities and characteristics.
Quantitative research different type of research used for collection of data in numerical form and researchers applied statistical analysis on quantitative research data collected to get desired results of research work.
Quantitative research methods used in research work for making better summary in terms of theories in form of data.
Research work considered more accurate and reliable in comparison to qualitative research methods because when results preparation of research work done based on collection of data in form of quantitative research methods.
In quantitative research methods researchers can use statistical analysis methods to make relationship between variables.
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