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Primary and secondary research

 Primary and secondary research

Research work divided into two types namely primary and secondary research. Primary research data collection gathered through self conducted method, while secondary research data collection gathered from previous published studies.
Primary and secondary research are two methods used in research to collect information and data for a specific investigation or study. Difference between primary and secondary research in terms of the source of data and methods of data collection.
Primary research work in research methodology considered as quantitative research where on gathered data from primary data source mathematical operation performed by researchers to get desired results of their research work.
Primary and secondary research are used most practically in various markets segmentation by marketing companies.
Secondary research in research methodology considered as qualitative research where gathered qualitative data from secondary data sources by researchers can not able to do mathematical operation and data manipulation not possible.
Primary research work more realistic and orginal because in primary research work researchers do all data collection from untouched sources due to which gathered data remain in their raw form.
Secondary research work not considered realistic and not original research work because in secondary research researchers performed data collection methods from already published data sources due to which gathered data in secondary data lost its originality.
Primary and secondary research difference clearly understood after studied difference between primary and secondary data.
Difference between primary and secondary data researchers used in research methodology to distinguish between research work based is primary and secondary research.
Primary research also known by name quantitative research because in primary research gathered data by researchers can be counted in numerical value and mathematical operation easily performed in result discussion of research work.
Secondary research work known by name qualitative research because in secondary research data collection by researchers can only derived result using qualitative data characteristic.
Secondary research data can't be measured in numerical value because secondary data already got manipulate from someone earlier and got published.

Primary and secondary research examples

Primary and secondary research examples are used to understand working of these two types of research.
Researcher when do research work by collection of data by itself known as primary research. There are many examples of primary research namely survey, observations, interviews and ethnographic research work.
Good researchers used smartly examples of primary and secondary research to perform research work writing efficiently.
Primary research include transcript, interview, statistical data, government record and music record etc.
Researcher when do research work by collection of secondary data from already published research work known as secondary research.
There are many examples of secondary research namely published book, publication (national and international), encyclopaedia, news, articles and meta analysis.

Primary and secondary research difference

Good researchers must consists of quality of making primary and secondary research difference. Difference between primary and secondary research based on methodology used in research work by researchers for data collection.
Primary research also called as first hand data because it generated by researchers during research work and apply statistical treatment over these collected raw data. Examples of primary research such as interview, transcript, observation etc.
Primary research also called first hand research and not published data or raw research or first time research.
Researchers keep in mind conducted primary research data collection required larger expenditure of money, labour and time. In primary research collection of raw required skilled researcher to identify it and generate first hand data according to research purposes.
Main difference between primary and secondary research is that secondary research considered as manipulated data and researchers can not able to do anything to change statistical treatment get other results.
Researcher finding manipulate results in secondary research because secondary research data used from published sources.
Published sources data already gone through mathematical operation earlier by another researchers for fulfilling other researcher research objectives.
Secondary research are generated by larger government authority, organization, institutions, healthcare facilities etc. Secondary research example like secondary research data always stored in form of records keeping.
Researchers can easily collected these types of published data from internet (Google), government authority officials records, international journals, national journals, books, research papers, published thesis and official record etc.

Advantages of secondary research

The advantages of secondary research noticed from various many researchers feedback namely secondary research are cost effective, included wide range of information and prevent use of duplicate information.
The pros of secondary research according to researchers feedback are major difference between primary and secondary research like secondary research working less expensive in comparison with primary research.
In this modern world where all types of data available online, and all athority, institutions, publication regular intervals of time uploaded data so its became easy to collect secondary data from online.
Data published online most of the time correct because everyone can read the published data which is considered as Another pros of secondary research because secondary data eliminate use of duplicate information inside research work.
The five main advantages of secondary research in research methodology are cheap cost, easy to access, time saving, anyone can easily reach secondary research, a huge source of secondary sources available on various online platform.
The main advantages of secondary research why researchers like to prefer secondary data statistical treatment over statistical treatment of data for primary research method because primary research method requires large types of sample in research from selected population. 
But in case secondary research data in analysis work require small size sample which have quality in nature.
Statistical treatment of data for qualitative research arrange data in form of pattern in order to easily conclude and arrange the results. 
Statistical treatment of data for qualitative research include data in form of images, text and sound.

Advantages of primary research

Many advantages of primary research also founded in primary vs secondary research on based on data collection methods.
Data collected for primary research from primary source are considered as more realistic data, correct data, first hand data and unpublished data or fresh data. These qualities not available in secondary research.
Researchers can applied statistical formula on primary data collected for primary research to get desired results of research work.
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