What techniques are adopted to select random sampling
If you are researcher and wanted to do research work in any field like thesis, marketing research etc then as researcher you needed to collect data in form of samples for doing statistical analysis of research work. To make collection of data as researcher needed adopted various types of techniques are to select random sampling.
One question come in new researchers mind what is random sampling techniques? Random sampling is a part of probability sampling in which researchers collected sample random. Four types of techniques adopted to random sampling.
Random sampling one of the important type of probability sampling methods mentioned in research methodology. Random sampling is a part of sampling in which researchers collected sample by using probability concept. Four type of types of techniques adopted to select random sampling namely like simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster random sampling and systematic random sampling.
Researchers wanted to collect sample non bais sample for achieving research work desired results. Probability sampling methods are considered more perfect to collect sample which are more correct and not have influenced by any other factors.
Random sampling techniques adopted in marketing research work. All company involved in continuously in marketing research work because present market compition very huge. To make upper hand over other competitive companies working in same field, marketing research agent of company have to look for techniques are adopted to select random sampling.
One question come in mind of new researchers why should I care about techniques are adopted to select random sampling? To make collection of data unbiased, then as researchers have to choose proper techniques are adopted to select random sampling.
Researchers used major four types of techniques adopted to random sampling for doing collection of unbiased data.
Types of random sampling techniques
In research methodology clearly mentioned four major types of techniques are adopted by researchers like simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster random sampling and systematic random sampling.
Random sampling one of important types of sampling methods mentioned in research methodology and used by researchers. Random sampling are expensive and time consuming sampling techniques.
Random sampling methods used when each member of selected population have equal opportunity to get inside sample and give active participation in results evaluation of research work.
Stratified random sampling
Researchers used stratified random sampling method when wanted to make small homogeneous group of selected population for research work. Stratified random sampling is one of the important type of random sampling, which is studied under probability sampling methods.
Stratified random sampling is method of selecting sample in research which small strata are formed randomly from selected population.
Main difference between simple random sampling and stratified random sampling methods is that in simple random sampling methods adopted to collect entire population information randomly, in case of stratified random sampling whole population information not required due to which whole population divided into small homogeneous groups.
Simple random sampling
Simple random one of the technique of random sampling. Simple random sampling techniques most widely used in market research work. Simple random sampling give an equal probability of each individual of selected population get involved in sample and actively represent whole population characteristics.
Simple random sampling techniques required sampling frame work. Sample frame defined as systematic arrangements of collected data in list form. Sample frame is outline fixed for collection of data and data collected for research work according to sample frame decided by researchers.
Lets understand detailed simple random sampling method with example. In simple random sampling methods collected sample given a specific number or code to each samples.
Table of simple random sampling method given below. From table of simple random sampling methods section third mentioned code given simple random sampling collected sample.
Serial id | Sample Name | Code Given Simple Random Sampling |
01 | Vikash Mishra | ccc |
02 | Steve Smith | eaa |
03 | Sarvesh Tiwari | www |
04 | Karan Singh | eco |
05 | Sunil Tiwari | n0aa |
Cluster random sampling
Cluster sampling technique is one of type of random sampling methods and which is studied under probability sampling methods. Difference between stratified random sampling techniques and cluster random sampling techniques very small.
Cluster random sampling technique researchers divided whole population into hundred and thousands small group and collect sample random way is the main difference between stratified random sampling techniques.
Systematic sampling:
Researchers used systematic sampling when they want to select every n th number of individuals to take participation in sampling study. Researchers in this method of sampling collect sample following fixed sequence.
Systematic sampling one of the modern form old probability-sampling.
Random sampling techniques in qualitative research
Researchers adopted four types of techniques in research work. Random sampling techniques used by researchers to make their research work qualitative. In random sampling sample are collected from selected population by chance. Qualitative research most of the time prefer to selected random sampling techniques.
Random sampling techniques is one of types of probability sampling methods. Research work only becomes qualitative when sample collected consists whole diversification of selected population.
Probability sampling methods and non probability sampling methods are two major types of sampling methods mentioned in research methodology through which researchers collected sample for their research work. Probability sampling methods consists of random sampling techniques.
Researchers able to cover whole selected population characteristics. Researchers able to make proper generalisation of selected population in random sampling techniques keeping all types of bais away from collected sample.