Factors relevant to sampling
Sampling is a process of collection of data and recording data for doing statistical treatment to get desired results in research work. Methods of sampling involved many factors relevant sampling like objective of sampling, costs of sampling, sample size, accuracy, representative of samples as population.
Main two methods of sampling mentioned in research methodology such as probability sampling and non probability sampling. We all know that sample are collected from selected population.
To collect correct sample from primary and secondary data sources researchers has to consider various factors of sampling can come in front of researchers.
Doing sampling correctly is very hard task on hand with researchers. Sampling of qualitative research required professional technical skilled researchers.
Sampling in research work researchers have to deal with all major ten factors relevant to sampling like objective of sampling, costs of sampling, precision in sampling, sample size, priory accuracy indicator, landing and effort of sampling, stratification and impact on cost of sampling, problems of biased sample or estimate, sample representative, boat and gear approach.
What are the factors which affects on the choice of sampling methods
There are many factors of sampling which affect on the choice of sampling methods by researchers. Researchers always followed proper sampling design to data collection in form of samples from the selected population.
Data available every where inside selected population for research work. Researchers needed to selected qualitative data in form of samples for their qualitative analysis from selected population.
Factors revelant to sampling must included like desired level of precision, details of information required to produce and appropriate sampling design.
Sampling and their essential factors for sampling in research methodology mentioned sampling must included samples consists characteristics of whole population and behaved as representative of whole population.
General considerations for sampling
Sampling in research work researchers must follow general factors relevant to sampling as general considerations for understanding sampling.
There are two types of sampling methods used like probability sampling methods and non probability sampling methods.
In qualitative research work probability sampling methods adopted. Researchers has to know about all factors relevant to sampling.
General considerations for sampling like objectives of sampling and reasons, know relationship between accuracy and precision, selection of safe sample size, ability to handle variability of data.
What are 3 factors that determine sampling size
Before collection of samples researchers have to considering 3 factors when determining sample size for particular research work.
First factor that influencing determination of sample size for researchers is to know how much variable population that as researcher you wanted for doing statistical analysis inside particular research work.
Second factor that determining sample size for researchers is to know how much precision and accuracy in sampling should be included for their research work.
Third factor influencing sampling size for researchers is how much researchers will feel confident on results after research work.
What are the factors affect on the choice of sampling methods
Researchers has to deal with many factors which affect on the choice of sampling methods. Choice of sampling methods influenced by many factors like level of precision in sampling required and number of information to be produced.
Selection of suitable sampling frame for research work is another factor affect on choice of sampling methods.
Study of sampling frame done under research design. Auxiliary variables are third the factors affect on the choice of sampling methods.
There are two types of variables like dependent variable and independent variables mentioned in research methodology.
Dependent and independent variables as the factors affect on the choice of sampling methods.