What is probability sampling?
Now days researchers are doing lot's of research work. Do you know? What types of sampling methods does smart researchers applied for their collection of sample. Most of the researchers all over world preferred to use probability sampling methods.
Those types of sampling methods which are biased free, efficient and equal chance provided to everyone to take participation and represent their population in sampling study known as probability sampling.
Data collection did with the help of probability sampling are considered as high quality standard.
Do you know? There are two types of sampling, i.e. probability sampling and non probability sampling.
These types of sampling methods used in qualitative research work.
Probability sampling techniques in research methodology help to find accurate results of research. After collection of data researcher can able to make correct conclusion from final results of research work.
These methods of sampling total based upon statistical theory.
Definition of probability sampling
Probability sampling techniques one of the important type of sampling techniques in research methodology. In probability sampling you can collect data from larger population in which every one given chance to participate random based in sample study and become representative of his whole population.
Example of probability sampling techniques
Suppose you wanted to do sampling of 2000 population. Now here there are equal chance of single individual to get participation in sampling study and represent his population.
Chance of single individual of 2000 population of selected to get participation in sampling is probability of 1/2000. These techniques of sampling methods to create a sample which are accurate representative.
Four type of probability sampling
There are four type of probability sampling techniques researchers uses for their research work.
Simple random sampling:
In this type of probability sampling researcher randomly collect the data from larger population. From the name you can read random already mentioned.
Simple random sampling makes gathering of sample very easy. In this method of probability sampling number assigned to everyone individual of larger population and then from these assigned number random based collection of sample through automated system.
Types of simple random sampling
Researchers collect sample in random sampling by two methods, i.e. lottery system and number based software system.
Simple random sampling work arround larger population there can be advantageous and disadvantages.
Stratified sampling:
In this type of sampling method researcher makes many small group of more expensive population. These many smaller group of population never overlap with eachother and represent entire population.
Stratified sampling you can collect sample from primary and secondary data source. In this type of sampling you can classify small groups of extensive larger population into age, sex, colour, ethnicity and similar ways.
Stratified sampling another name called as random quota sampling. In these methods of sampling there is an equal opportunity given to everyone to get involved in sampling study.
Example of stratified sampling
Suppose you have given task to find out 3 income group number from extensive population of Asian countries.
Now you will divide extensive population of the Asian countries into Rich income groups, Medium income group and Low income groups.
These income group consisting of different characteristics but represent same Asian population group.
Random cluster sampling
In this type of probability sampling researchers collect random sample in cluster form. Random cluster sampling used when population to be studied spread over different places (countries of the world) geographically.
Example of random cluster sampling
Suppose you have to make collection of 500 people as participants sample from all over Canada. It very different for getting all population list of Canada. So with the help of cluster sampling, you can make cluster of whole extensive population and collect random sample from these cluster of group of population.
Systematic sampling:
Researchers used systematic sampling when they want to select every n th number of individuals to take participation in sampling study. Researchers in this method of sampling collect sample following fixed sequence.
Systematic sampling one of the modern form old probability-sampling.
What are the steps of probability-sampling
Do you know? What steps involved during collection of the probability sampling. You can follow these steps to conduct probability sampling.
1. First of all you have to decide an area for sample collection according to research purpose.
2. Identify those people from population who can help you in sample study and include them in your sample.
3. You should be careful in selecting of sampling frame. Sample frame designed in a manner which includes sample from same population. Nicely designed sample frame help you to derive accurate results from sample.
Correct time to use probability sampling
Do you know? When to use probability sampling for your research work. There are many condition which will indicate you correct time to use probability sampling according to your problem of research.
1. If you want to restrict sample from getting influence by biased. Sample collection by Probability sampling non-biased.
2. If selected population consists of diversity of individual geographically. At this time you can try Probability sampling methods.
3. Researchers always looking for finding accurate results of sample. To get desired results for his research work then researchers used probability sampling techniques.